Javascript SDK
Import the IPFS Gateway SDK into your JavaScript project:
import { Client } from 'gw3-sdk';
Use new Client
to instantiate a new Gateway3 client with the provided access key and access secret.
Here’s a simple usage example:
import { Client } from 'gw3-sdk';
let client = new Client('YOUR-ACCESS-KEY', 'YOUR-ACCESS-SECRET');
// Replace 'YOUR-FILE' with the file you want to upload
let file = 'YOUR-FILE';
let hooks = {
onProgress: (event) => console.log(`Upload progress: ${event.percent}%`),
onSuccess: (body) => {
console.log('Upload successful', body);
// After the file is uploaded, pin it using its CID.
.then(() => console.log(`File with CID ${body.cid} has been pinned successfully.`))
.catch((error) => console.log(`Error pinning file with CID ${body.cid}:`, error));
onError: (error) => console.log('Upload error', error),
client.uploadFile(file, hooks);
Uploads the provided data to Gateway3 and returns the corresponding CID.
async function uploadFile(file: File, hooks?: Hooks);
interface Hooks {
onProgress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void;
onSuccess?: (body: any) => void;
onError?: (error: Error) => void;
interface ProgressEvent {
percent?: number;
Retrieves data from Gateway3 using the specified CID.
async function getIpfs(cid: string)
Requests Gateway3 to pin the specified CID.
async function addPin(cid: string)
Asks Gateway3 to unpin the specified CID.
async function removePin(cid: string)
Adds data to a DAG under the specified root and path.
async function dagAdd(root: string, path: string, data: Uint8Array)
Removes the data from a DAG at the given path.
async function dagRm(root: string, path: string)
Imports the contents of CAR files into the DAG.
async function dagImport(file: File)
Creates a new IPNS record and associates it with the given CID.
async function createIpns(cid: string)
Updates an existing IPNS record by its name, pointing it to the specified CID.
async function updateIpns(name: string, cid: string)