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The Folder is a high-level abstraction that allows users to easily operate on their DAG, such as adding, updating, or removing links. While not a new concept, it simplifies multiple IPFS node operations into a single API. To enable smooth operations on TB-level single DAGs using a folder, users must first import their DAG into the folder using PUT /api/v0/folder/{CID}. This allows GW3 to shard the DAGs across multiple services. After that, POST /folder/operation can be used to update your DAGs.

Folder Import

curl -X PUT "{cid}?ts=$(date +%s)" \
   -H "X-Access-Key: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \
   -H "X-Access-Secret: YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET"

Import a previously pinned CID to the folder system. For large DAGs (with many links), consider setting an extended timeout period (1 second per link).

  • cid
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: A CID that has already been pinned by GW3.
    • Example: bafybeidbcbdlaqgn6yvp6wc4ca66jl2zazwbzh46qtvovpzznxgomjxtce
  • ts
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: A query parameter representing the current UNIX timestamp.
    • Example: 1688644825

Response body

    "code": 200,
    "msg": "ok"

Folder Operation

curl -X POST "$(date +%s)" \
   -H "X-Access-Key: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \
   -H "X-Access-Secret: YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET"

Specify the old CID root, links you want to add/update in the DAG, and links you wish to remove. The API will combine the changes into a new DAG and return it to the user.

  • ts
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: A query parameter that represents the current UNIX timestamp.
    • Example: 1688644825
  • cid
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: A CID that has already been imported to the folder or generated by the folder.
    • Example: bafybeidbcbdlaqgn6yvp6wc4ca66jl2zazwbzh46qtvovpzznxgomjxtce
  • add
    • Required: No
    • Description: An array of tuples specifying the link (name –> CID) you want to add to the DAG. If a link with the same name already exists in the old DAG, the old link will be replaced. All CIDs must be pinned by GW3 first.
    • Example: [["my_license", "k2cwuee0yyjcb7195g3gkv0ejhp9b37zf3glzlayg5h81xgun5jd9x1i"]]
  • remove
    • Required: No
    • Description: Remove existing links in the DAG by their names.
    • Example: [""]
  • pin_new
    • Required: No
    • Description: Pin the new DAG. If the new CID is already pinned, the API will return an error.
    • Example: true
  • unpin_old
    • Required: No
    • Description: Unpin the old DAG; this requires pin_new to be true. If the old DAG is still being used by another of your pinned DAGs, an error will be returned.
    • Example: true

Request body


Response Body

    "code": 200,
    "msg": "ok",
    "data": {
        "cid": "QmPUmNQ76J748c3iboBCRnxSge39sftmn9zSyLXjA1GBvc"

Use Case Condition

  1. All CIDs used in the /api/v0/folder/operation must be pinned by GW3 first.
  2. Cannot add and remove the same link name in a single operation call. ```