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Create IPNS Record

POST /api/v0/name/create?arg={cid}&alias={alias}&pin=false

Create a new IPNS record and bind it to the given cid. An IPNS record name is returned in the response JSON if the creation request succeeds.

  • arg
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: a valid Content Identifier (CID)
    • Example: QmRsz7zXvecvwJPaPjwR6WMHFJPbMc63SEJtuXJC4U16VZ
  • alias
    • Required: No
    • Description: Set up a nickname for your IPNS record
    • Example: Jack.eth
  • pin
    • Required: No
    • Description: A bool to trigger /pin/add the CID before creating the IPNS records.
    • Default: false
  • ts
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: a query parameter that represents the current unix timestamp
    • Example: 1688644825


curl -sSL -X POST "$(date +%s)" \
   -H "X-Access-Key: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \
   -H "X-Access-Secret: YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET"

# {
#   "code": 200,
#   "msg": "ok",
#   "data": {
#     "name": "12D3KooWL4iYQFgUJErG1HHHPMGVrh6rdopcosH6wNyyLcAjnNFn",
#     "value": "QmVR8ML33bKpJdEcvMR66gkm1Nraf2iWVgQsefPrd3U8og"
#   }
# }

Update IPNS Record

POST /api/v0/name/publish?arg={cid}&key={ipns_name}&pin=false

Update an existing IPNS record with name, pointing it to the given cid.

  • key
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: an IPNS record
    • Example: 12D3KooWL4iYQFgUJErG1HHHPMGVrh6rdopcosH6wNyyLcAjnNFn
  • arg
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: a valid Content Identifier (CID)
    • Example: QmRsz7zXvecvwJPaPjwR6WMHFJPbMc63SEJtuXJC4U16VZ
  • pin
    • Required: No
    • Description: A bool to trigger /pin/add the CID before update the IPNS record.
    • Default: false
  • ts
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: a query parameter that represents the current unix timestamp
    • Example: 1688644825


curl -sSL -X POST "$(date +%s)" \
   -H "X-Access-Key: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \
   -H "X-Access-Secret: YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET"

# {
#   "code": 200,
#   "msg": "ok",
#   "data": {
#     "name": "12D3KooWL4iYQFgUJErG1HHHPMGVrh6rdopcosH6wNyyLcAjnNFn",
#     "value": "Qmc7pB5AgED3fKa2MVxY6PBoVswQACfDDfBtFs1c7XCwpU"
#   }
# }

Import IPNS Record

POST /api/v0/name/import

      "name":      "k51qzi5uqu5dj14wlw7kc5xlzqzy4u42og35hhhihi2v8551odsw7hlgwhskz2",
      "value":     "QmYHqzKbdrXf3Nunj46BU6MLHSXigzcZsCsVdnv9MFMhzj",
      "secret_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nAC3CAEAwBQYDJ2VwECIDIA2eisrccrvn/3ctIaow2wb3PN6/SM+gPJALY68WYKqg\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
      "alias": "toto",
      "format":    "pem-pkcs8-cleartext",
      "seq":       100

Import an IPNS record using a user-side generated private key.

  • ts
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: A query parameter that represents the current Unix timestamp.
    • Example: 1688644825
  • name
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: The imported IPNS record name.
    • Example: k51qzi5uqu5dj14wlw7kc5xlzqzy4u42og35hhhihi2v8551odsw7hlgwhskz2
  • value
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: The setup of the IPNS record’s value (CID).
    • Example: QmRsz7zXvecvwJPaPjwR6WMHFJPbMc63SEJtuXJC4U16VZ
  • secret_key
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: The text string of the private key information.
    • Example: -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nAC3CAEAwBQYDJ2VwECIDIA2eisrccrvn/3ctIaow2wb3PN6/SM+gPJALY68WYKqg\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n
  • format
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: The format of the secret key.
    • Example: pem-pkcs8-cleartext or libp2p-protobuf-cleartext
  • alias
    • Required: No
    • Description: Set up a nickname for your IPNS record
    • Example: Jack.eth
  • seq
    • Required: No
    • Description: Starting value of the record sequence ID.
    • Example: 10000


curl -sSL -X POST "$(date +%s)" \
   -H "X-Access-Key: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \
   -H "X-Access-Secret: YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET" \
   -d '{
   "name": "YOUR_IPNS_NAME",
   "value": "QmYHqzKbdrXf3Nunj46BU6MLHSXigzcZsCsVdnv9MFMhzj",
   "secret_key": "YOUR_SECRET_TEXT",
   "format": "pem-pkcs8-cleartext",
   "seq": 1
# {
#   "code": 200,
#   "msg": "ok",
# }

Delete IPNS Record

POST /api/v0/name/rm?key={ipns_name}

Delete an IPNS record from the GW3.

  • ts
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: A query parameter that represents the current Unix timestamp.
    • Example: 1688644825
  • key
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: An IPNS record.
    • Example: k51qzi5uqu5dlfmf1hd70bi1nqnzdsebu5n1ajtfhmx1blbexpiblpp5knvepe


curl -sSL -X POST "$(date +%s)" \
   -H "X-Access-Key: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \
   -H "X-Access-Secret: YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET"
# {
#   "code": 200,
#   "msg": "ok",
# }