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Upload Data

POST /ipfs/

Uploads data to the IPFS network and returns its CID for retrieval. This is a 2-step process. It first acquires authorization from Gateway3 by providing data size. A successful response contains a url, which is used to upload data. Data is sent through the HTTP body of the second POST request. A CID is returned in the response header ipfs-hash if the POST request succeeds.

  • size
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: a query parameter that represents the size of upload content.
    • Example: 87718
  • ts
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: a query parameter that represents the current unix timestamp
    • Example: 1688644825


# Upload a picture named A88.jpg with a size of 88718
curl -sS -X POST '$(date +%s)' \
   -H "X-Access-Key: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \
   -H "X-Access-Secret: YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET" | jq

# You should receive a response similar to this:
# {
#    "code":200,
#    "msg":"ok",
#    "data":{
#       "url":""
#    }
# }

curl -X POST -D - "" \
     -F file=@A88.jpg
# The response header will have something like:
# ipfs-hash: QmPQqenerWGemsMnSAWqT33PLpdVGaivW48JumpUjFuZwt