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Pin a CID

POST /api/v0/pin/add?arg={cid}&name={name}

Pinning prevents a CID and its descendents from being garbage collected. This allows data to persist on the IPFS network.

  • cid
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: a valid Content Identifier (CID)
    • Example: QmRsz7zXvecvwJPaPjwR6WMHFJPbMc63SEJtuXJC4U16VZ
  • ts
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: a query parameter that represents the current unix timestamp
    • Example: 1688644825
  • name
    • Required: No
    • Description: custom the content name
    • Example: 123.txt


curl -sSL -X POST "$(date +%s)" \
   -H "X-Access-Key: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \
   -H "X-Access-Secret: YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET"

# {
#   "code": 200,
#   "msg": "ok"
# }

Unpin a CID

POST /api/v0/pin/rm?arg={cid}

Unpinning does not remove the CID from the IPFS network immediately. It simply allows the CID to be garbage collected in the next cycle.

  • cid
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: a valid Content Identifier (CID)
    • Example: QmRsz7zXvecvwJPaPjwR6WMHFJPbMc63SEJtuXJC4U16VZ
  • ts
    • Required: Yes
    • Description: a query parameter that represents the current unix timestamp
    • Example: 1688644825


curl -sSL -X POST "$(date +%s)" \
   -H "X-Access-Key: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \
   -H "X-Access-Secret: YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET"

# {
#   "code": 200,
#   "msg": "ok"
# }